- 6盎司橄榄油
- 10盎司西班牙洋葱
- 4盎司大蒜
- 8盎司干腌香肠
- 4磅大一缅因州贻贝
- 16盎司浮木IPA来自狼的山脊酝酿
- 12盎司黄油
- 1盎司意大利欧芹
- 1每一个面包
- 4每一个柠檬
- 粗盐,胡椒,喜马拉雅粉盐的味道
- 把冰放在大碗里。把贻贝放在冰上。这样可以使它们在清洗时保持低温。用贝类刷擦洗每只贻贝的两侧。用冷水冲洗掉任何沙子或脏的地方。找到贻贝的胡须,把它拔出来丢弃。将干净的贻贝放在另一个大碗里加冰。储存在冰箱直到需要。西班牙洋葱去皮切片。大蒜去皮并切碎。 Thinly slice the chorizo. Small dice the butter. Wash, dry, and chop the Italian parsley. Cut the baguette on an extreme bias, about half inch thick, to get 5 to 6 inch long pieces. Wedge the lemons. Reserve preparation for cooking.
- 把回旋曲放在中火上。在rondo里加4盎司橄榄油。马上加入切好的洋葱和大蒜。赛季轻。使用钳搅拌。煮2分钟。添加香肠。搅拌。再煮两分钟。把贻贝加入旋涡。 Turn heat to high. Stir constantly for 2 minutes. Add beer to pan and put the lid on. Cook for about 4-6 minutes. Stir every minute and put lid back on each time. While mussels are cooking you can grill the baguette slices. Char on both sides and reserve for plating. Once mussels start to open, remove lid. Start adding the butter. Stir to emulsify the butter into the sauce. Sprinkle in parsley and stir. Season with kosher salt and black pepper. Taste. Adjust seasoning if needed.
- 用钳子在每个碗里放大约一磅贻贝。用勺子把剩下的肉汤倒在每个碗上,均匀地分配。用柠檬角和烤法式面包装饰每道菜。把剩下的橄榄油淋在法式面包和贻贝上。最后撒一点喜马拉雅盐。浮木蒸贻贝准备好了。
- 推荐搭配Wolf's Ridge Brewing的Driftwood Session IPA。