

我们知道:在一个大约两个新的小型和独立啤酒厂开放一天的国家,酿酒师需要脱颖而出。这些愿望使我们成为一个多样化的行业breweries take their brands beyond beer,潜入一个宽敞的脱离努力,包括现场住宿,杂志,餐馆和活动公司。

啤酒101课程All of these concepts are great components to brand building, which is without question the most important aspect of business development. But let’s get real. While reaching customers in a variety of ways is a good thing, when it comes to breweries, the brand better start, and end, with beer.

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如果有人理解培养强大的国家分布式工艺啤酒品牌的微妙需求,这是Katechis。截至今年,您可以在所有50个州找到Oskar Blues。他说,酿酒商在他们想要制造的啤酒之间努力,啤酒经销商可以投入最有可能购买的商店。


虽然零售商用全年的斯台斯填补了大部分货架空间,但它们肯定对特种啤酒有所要求,副总裁Chuck Salzman表示,对特种啤酒无与伦比的饮料公司But he added that he typically looks to breweries he already has a strong relationship with to provide his retailers those specialty beers they need.



Katechis thinks that specialty beers should be something that comes in the second wave of brewing, not as the building blocks of your brand. It should be the siding on the house rather than the foundation. For Oskar Blues, Dale’s Pale Ale is the bedrock upon which the business is built, and specialty beers are icing on the cake — a treat for customers and an incentive for distributors.


一些啤酒厂在地方一级做得非常好。黑衬衫酿造有限公司in Denver, for example, brews all red beers. But those who go down this road must do so meticulously. Without a strong focus directly related to the brand, your chances at distribution will take a toll.


Salzman,而坦诚的必要性beer brands, offered a ray of hope for those hell-bent on swimming upstream.

“Certainly the year-round staple is the way to go to market, and a majority [of the beers we carry] are going to be year-round staples. But by that same token you need the specialty beers. And that’s the thing with coming out with a new wacky specialty,” Salzman said. “Who knows if that doesn’t become the new norm?”
