
Bitburger.Brewery and Sierra Nevada Collaborate on Triple Hop’d Lager

Bitburger.Brewery and Sierra Nevada Collaborate on Triple Hop’d Lager

在2019年秋季的普通成功的第一个合作啤酒“奥伯比斯特”之后,德国#1啤酒的生产商塞拉尼华达和Bitburger Brewery,正在开始在3月份发布他们的下一个项目。

2019年5月,Bitburger管理bo的成员ard and 7generation co-owner, Jan Niewodniczanski, as well as brewmasters, Stefan Meyna and Stefan Hanke, traveled to Sierra Nevada’s North Carolina brewery to join Sierra Nevada’s brewmaster, Scott Jennings, as well as owners, Ken and Brian Grossman, to create an Oktoberfest style beer. The beer used Bitburger’s house yeast strain (the first time the yeast has ever traveled outside of the brewery!) and proprietary hop blend, ‘Siegelhopfen’, to create a delicious Festbier that received rave reviews. Based on the demand for further collaboration, Bitburger invited their friends from Sierra Nevada to join them in their historic home to continue the partnership.

“我们非常兴奋,有机会将这两个标志性的啤酒厂与美国市场之间的第二次协作提供给美国市场”,圣基斯蒂安进口公司总裁Phil Clarke表示。“我们觉得这是与Bitburger与美国消费者联系的能力的真实例子,并进一步建立在其最尊敬的德国啤酒厂之一。”


“去年我们成功的合作后,我们知道我们想再次与塞拉尼达达伙伴伴侣,”Burburger Brewmaster博士斯特凡斯博士说。“我们的酿造哲学,致力于使用优质材料,并将我们的忠实客户保持在最前沿完全同步。在我们在北卡罗来纳州米尔斯河的塞拉尼达山脉的美好经验之后,我们才能享受热情款待,并欢迎他们在德国伯斯堡酿造我们的下一杯啤酒。“

In December 2019, Sierra Nevada’s Brian Grossman and Scott Jennings traveled to Bitburg, Germany to brew the next collaboration beer at the Bitburger brewery. This second collaboration, Triple Hop’d Lager, is due to release in 11.2 ounce six pack cans, 11.2 ounce 24 loose cans, and draft in March 2020. This collaboration beer is highlighted by a combination of American hops, Cascade, Centennial, and Chinook, paired together with ‘Siegelhopfen’ – Bitburger’s proprietary and unique hop blend that’s sourced from a farm just a few minutes from the brewery! Unique to this one-time brew, the same farm provided the Cascade hops that lends Triple Hop’d Lager its desirable floral and citrus/grapefruit profile. Jointly, the American and German hops shape the unique and exciting profile of a very enjoyable 5.8% ABV beer. This one-time limited offering, in addition to the “perfect pilsner”, Bitburger Premium Pils, will be available in selected global markets, including the United States.

“我们是我们在Festbier合作上与Bitburger Brewers合作的荣幸,并且能够用三跳的啤酒制作第二个项目是锦上添花。我们很自豪能够有机会在美丽的比特堡啤酒厂酿造,并在那里迎接团队,我们对该项目和啤酒本身非常兴奋,“斯科特·内华达伯梅斯马斯斯科特詹宁斯说。


关于Bitburger Brewery.

Bitburger.is one of the most important privately-owned breweries in Germany. The company’s success over the past 200 years has been the result of its uncompromising commitment to highest quality, courage for technical innovations and dedicated employees. Furthermore, as a family-owned company in the seventh generation, Bitburger has always been very active in its home region. It goes without saying that a careful use of natural resources as well as the protection of the environment and climate have never been taken for granted.

关于Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.

Ken Grossman成立的频繁前往塞拉尼达山脉的频繁旅行塞拉尼达达酿造有限公司1980年。据称只有最优质的成分,Sierra Nevada在全球范围内为啤酒厂和可持续发展的创新设定了全球工艺啤酒师的标准。推出塞拉尼亚达的开拓精神现在跨越海岸在奇科,加利福尼亚州和北卡罗来纳州的德尔科河畔沃雷葡萄酒。塞拉尼达达继续通过日常的可持续发展努力和像淡啤酒的节目纪念山遗产。啤酒厂以其广泛的啤酒而闻名,包括苍白啤酒,朦胧的小东西®,Torpyo®,热带鱼雷®以及一系列季节性,专业和有限释放啤酒。

