另一种制作金属产品的方法看起来像纺织品或软面料是艺术家Alexis Furlong.在这些瓶盖被子/雕塑。她用图案把帽子连接起来,形成了一个有结构的毯子形状,并用颜色组合来搭配她的设计。在这篇文章中有来自Anderson Valley, Firestone Walker, North Coast Brewing和Squatters的帽子。她最喜欢的本地手工酿酒厂是Uinta Brewing,但她现在喝不够的啤酒是upper Thai Style White IPA。
最后是我,克里斯蒂娜梅西他是这张啤酒艺术清单的创造者。我在自己的艺术作品中广泛使用啤酒厂的组合,从我的啤酒狂人丈夫和他的朋友那里收集原料。他们主要在纽约,但和你们很多人一样,我们喜欢旅行,喜欢尝试新的酿酒厂。我把罐子切开,然后在我的作品中把它们做成几乎是流苏或羽毛状的纹理。在这篇文章中,来自Other Half, Barrier Brewing, Brewery Vivant, Three 's Brewing, Departed Soles, Five borough Brewing, Neshaminy Creek和Montauk Brewing的罐都出现了。个人的最爱呢?我得说,在格林酒吧最近的开业典礼上,我真的很喜欢他们的闪进美国淡啤酒。
Art is often described as a reflection of what is happening in society, and here we see how quite literally the existence of this industry has already infiltrated the art world which is reflecting back how people’s tastes, appreciations and consumer choices as a whole are growing and changing. From the cans, bottles, caps to beer itself, the beer industry has no doubt left its own mark of inspiration on the art world. As the craft beer industry grows, it will likely continue to inspire and pop-up into more and more fine art. I say cheers to that!